Ageratum Bumble White, also known as Ageratum Houstonianum or Floss Flower, is an annual native to Mexico. Westhoff developed this Ageratum hybrid to offer superior flowering and uniform growth. Bumble White flourishes in full sun with an upright mounding habit of 8-12 inches. Floss Flower's white blooms attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds from May through September. Ageratum makes beautiful containers and borders. Combine Bumble White with Salvia, Vinca, Angelonia, Begonia, Marigold, and Petunia to create a welcoming landscape.
Bumble White Selling Tips
Sell Ageratum Bumble to any customer looking for a low-maintenance annual to add to a container or landscape border. Floss Flower succeeds in full sun with plenty of heat and is outstandingly vigorous. Flowers bloom continuously from spring through fall with no deadheading. Even in high temperatures, this plant requires little more than moderate water. Ageratum Bumble provides ornamental interest without adding to your customer's gardening maintenance. Bumble White brings pollinators to the garden as well. Combine Ageratum Bumble White with Rose, Silver, or Blue to add depth and variety to containers.
Coach Your Customer
1. Space plants 12-14" apart in well-drained soil in full sun.
2. Water regularly, but don't allow standing water or soil to dry out, especially in containers.
3. Remove plants from the garden after the first frost.
General Growing Tips For Your Rooted Cutting Liner
For best results with Ageratum Bumble, use well-drained soil in full sun with medium feed (150-200 ppm), a pH of 6.0-6.5, and an EC of .6-.9. Plant one rooted liner per 4-inch container or two to three plugs per 10-inch pot. Maintain daytime temperatures of 70-80 degrees and nighttime temperatures of 58-62 degrees during finishing. You may see aphids or whiteflies. This plant can be susceptible to powdery mildew.
White flowers bloom from spring through fall.
Pinch once after transplanting.
Space containers 6-8" apart for adequate ventilation.
Height Control
Bumble White doesn't require chemical growth regulators.
You may see aphids or whiteflies.
Ageratum Bumble can be susceptible to powdery mildew, especially during humid nights and cool days. Take these preventative steps to protect your plants:
1. Water plants in the morning at the base to allow them to dry out by nighttime.
2. Provide adequate ventilation by spacing plants and use horizontal airflow fans to increase airflow.
3. Grow plants in full sun.
Planting Bumble White Liners
We recommend planting one liner per 4-inch container or two-three liners per 10-inch container. Use well-drained soil and completely bury the ellepot centered or equally spaced in your pot.
Rooted Cuttings
Cuttings vary in size between different plant families. These rooted starter plants will arrive ready to be transplanted in to your final container. If they are to be used in a landscape application, you will need to establish them in a 4 inch pot or an 1801 before planting outside.
Ageratum Bumble White Quick Reference Guide
4 Inch crop time | 4-6 Weeks |
10 Inch crop time | 10-12 Weeks |
Bloom Period | Fall, Spring, Summer |
Color | White |
Habit | Mounding, Upright |
Height | 8-12 Inches |
Light | Full Sun |
Minimum Temp | 58 |
Water Needs | Moderate |
Patented Plant | Yes |