Alata Sunny Susy Yellow Dark Eye, also known as Black-Eyed Susan Vine, is a tender perennial native to Africa. Volmary developed this cultivar for early flowering and a wide range of colors. This plant offers a trailing, vining habit of 10-12" tall and 18-20" wide, covered with dark-eyed yellow flowers from May through October. Typically grown as an annual, Thunbergia Alata is perennial in zone 10-11. This plant flourishes in full or partial sun with daily water, attracting pollinators to the landscape. Self-cleaning and heat-tolerant, adorn a trellis, arbor, window box, hanging basket, or mixed container with this striking tropical beauty. Create color contrast by growing Yellow Dark Eye alongside Amber Stripes and Terra Cotta.
Alata Sunny Susy Yellow Dark Eye Selling Tips
Sell Alata Sunny Susy Yellow Dark Eye to customers looking for a low-maintenance annual or tender perennial vine. This plant offers self-cleaning, profuse blooms from May through October. It requires little more than regular water to flourish in a sunny or partly shady garden or container. Deck out a trellis in color, bring a tropical flair to a hanging basket, or finish a cottage garden in style by growing Sunny Susy. Bees and butterflies adore this plant. Create a lush tropical landscape by pairing this plant with Tibouchina, Sanvitalia, Banana, and Elephant Ears. Bring whimsy to a cottage garden by growing this plant alongside Salvia, Angelonia, and Summer Phlox.
Coach Your Customer
1. Space plants 8-12" apart in well-drained soil in full or partial sun.
2. In zone 10-11, this plant flourishes as a perennial. In colder regions, grow it as an annual.
3. Water regularly, daily in high heat or drought. This plant prefers humid, tropical conditions.
General Growing Tips For Your Rooted Cutting Liner
For best results with Alata Sunny Susy Yellow Dark Eye, plant one rooted plug per 4-inch container, two or three per 6-inch container, or three to five per 10-inch container. Use well-drained soil with a pH of 5.8-6.2, medium feed (175-225 ppm N), light intensity of 5,000-8,000 fc, and temperatures of 71-79 daytime and 59-64 nighttime. Don't pinch or use PGRs. You may see aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, and leafminers. Root rot can develop in overly wet conditions.
Dark-eyed yellow flowers bloom from May through October.
This plant doesn't require pinching.
Space plants so sunlight can reach the soil level of each container.
Height Control
Don't use PGRs. Height is best controlled by proper fertilizing, providing maximum light, growing plants on the dry side, and spacing containers rather than crowding them.
You may see aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, and leafminers.
This plant isn't prone to disease but root rot can develop in overly wet conditions. Thunbergia Alata requires consistent moisture, but allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Water at the base of the plant in the morning. Provide good airflow in your greenhouse and space containers to allow air and sunlight to reach the soil level of each plant.
Planting Alata Sunny Susy Yellow Dark Eye Liners
We recommend planting one rooted liner per 4-inch container, two or three per 6-inch, or three to five per 10-inch. Completely bury the ellepot, evenly spaced or centered in the containers.
Rooted Cuttings
Cuttings vary in size between different plant families. These rooted starter plants will arrive ready to be transplanted in to your final container. If they are to be used in a landscape application, you will need to establish them in a 4 inch pot or an 1801 before planting outside.
Thunbergia Alata Sunny Susy Yellow Dark Eye Quick Reference Guide
4 Inch crop time
10-11 Weeks
10 Inch crop time
10-12 Weeks
Bloom Period
Fall, Spring, Summer
Trailing, Vining
10-12 Inches
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Minimum Temp
Perennial Zone
Water Needs
Patented Plant
Current Availability
Current Availability
02-17-2025 (Week 08)
02-24-2025 (Week 09)
03-03-2025 (Week 10)
03-10-2025 (Week 11)
03-17-2025 (Week 12)
03-24-2025 (Week 13)
03-31-2025 (Week 14)
04-07-2025 (Week 15)
04-14-2025 (Week 16)
04-21-2025 (Week 17)
04-28-2025 (Week 18)
05-05-2025 (Week 19)
05-12-2025 (Week 20)
05-19-2025 (Week 21)
05-26-2025 (Week 22)
06-02-2025 (Week 23)
06-09-2025 (Week 24)
06-16-2025 (Week 25)
06-23-2025 (Week 26)
06-30-2025 (Week 27)
07-07-2025 (Week 28)
07-14-2025 (Week 29)
07-21-2025 (Week 30)
07-28-2025 (Week 31)
08-04-2025 (Week 32)
08-11-2025 (Week 33)
08-18-2025 (Week 34)
08-25-2025 (Week 35)
09-01-2025 (Week 36)
09-08-2025 (Week 37)
09-15-2025 (Week 38)
09-22-2025 (Week 39)
09-29-2025 (Week 40)
10-06-2025 (Week 41)
10-13-2025 (Week 42)
10-20-2025 (Week 43)
10-27-2025 (Week 44)
11-03-2025 (Week 45)
11-10-2025 (Week 46)
Alata Sunny Susy Yellow Dark Eye, also known as Black-Eyed Susan Vine, is a tender perennial native to Africa. Volmary developed this cultivar for early flowering and a wide range of colors. This plant offers a trailing, vining habit of 10-12" tall and 18-20" wide, covered with dark-eyed yellow flowers from May through October. Typically grown as an annual, Thunbergia Alata is perennial in zone 10-11. This plant flourishes in full or partial sun with daily water, attracting pollinators to the landscape. Self-cleaning and heat-tolerant, adorn a trellis, arbor, window box, hanging basket, or mixed container with this striking tropical beauty. Create color contrast by growing Yellow Dark Eye alongside Amber Stripes and Terra Cotta.
Alata Sunny Susy Yellow Dark Eye Selling Tips
Sell Alata Sunny Susy Yellow Dark Eye to customers looking for a low-maintenance annual or tender perennial vine. This plant offers self-cleaning, profuse blooms from May through October. It requires little more than regular water to flourish in a sunny or partly shady garden or container. Deck out a trellis in color, bring a tropical flair to a hanging basket, or finish a cottage garden in style by growing Sunny Susy. Bees and butterflies adore this plant. Create a lush tropical landscape by pairing this plant with Tibouchina, Sanvitalia, Banana, and Elephant Ears. Bring whimsy to a cottage garden by growing this plant alongside Salvia, Angelonia, and Summer Phlox.
Coach Your Customer
1. Space plants 8-12" apart in well-drained soil in full or partial sun.
2. In zone 10-11, this plant flourishes as a perennial. In colder regions, grow it as an annual.
3. Water regularly, daily in high heat or drought. This plant prefers humid, tropical conditions.
General Growing Tips For Your Rooted Cutting Liner
For best results with Alata Sunny Susy Yellow Dark Eye, plant one rooted plug per 4-inch container, two or three per 6-inch container, or three to five per 10-inch container. Use well-drained soil with a pH of 5.8-6.2, medium feed (175-225 ppm N), light intensity of 5,000-8,000 fc, and temperatures of 71-79 daytime and 59-64 nighttime. Don't pinch or use PGRs. You may see aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, and leafminers. Root rot can develop in overly wet conditions.
Dark-eyed yellow flowers bloom from May through October.
This plant doesn't require pinching.
Space plants so sunlight can reach the soil level of each container.
Height Control
Don't use PGRs. Height is best controlled by proper fertilizing, providing maximum light, growing plants on the dry side, and spacing containers rather than crowding them.
You may see aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, and leafminers.
This plant isn't prone to disease but root rot can develop in overly wet conditions. Thunbergia Alata requires consistent moisture, but allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Water at the base of the plant in the morning. Provide good airflow in your greenhouse and space containers to allow air and sunlight to reach the soil level of each plant.
Planting Alata Sunny Susy Yellow Dark Eye Liners
We recommend planting one rooted liner per 4-inch container, two or three per 6-inch, or three to five per 10-inch. Completely bury the ellepot, evenly spaced or centered in the containers.
Rooted Cuttings
Cuttings vary in size between different plant families. These rooted starter plants will arrive ready to be transplanted in to your final container. If they are to be used in a landscape application, you will need to establish them in a 4 inch pot or an 1801 before planting outside.
Thunbergia Alata Sunny Susy Yellow Dark Eye Quick Reference Guide
4 Inch crop time
10-11 Weeks
10 Inch crop time
10-12 Weeks
Bloom Period
Fall, Spring, Summer
Trailing, Vining
10-12 Inches
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Minimum Temp
Perennial Zone
Water Needs
Patented Plant
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