Kohlrabi Winner F1 is an annual, cool-weather cruciferous vegetable, part of the turnip family grown for its bulbous stem. This plant flourishes in the greenhouse and garden with careful attention to temperature and irrigation. Winner offers crisp, juicy flesh with a mild, sweet flavor and is fast-growing and versatile. Suitable for fall or spring planting, each plant produces edible greens and a tender, above-ground bulb 4-5" in diameter. Kohlrabi is an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin C raw in salads or steamed, freezes well, and keeps for several weeks in the refrigerator. Offer this unique vegetable with Kohlrabi Winner F1 seedling plugs ready to transplant to your final container.
Kohlrabi Winner F1 Selling Tips
Kohlrabi Winner F1 is the perfect solution for customers searching for a fast-growing and disease-resistant variety of Kohlrabi. With an early maturity time of just 48-55 days, this variety offers excellent vigor, delicious flavor, and great nutritional value. Not only is the bulbous stem of Kohlrabi Winner F1 ideal for both spring and fall crops in the vegetable garden, but its greens are also well-suited for culinary applications. Help your customer make the most of this versatile vegetable with the right growing conditions. This cruciferous bulb thrives in well-drained soil, full sun, and temperatures that don't fall below 0 degrees. Consider planting it alongside companion crops like Celery, Lettuce, Onion, Mint, Sage, and Marigold.
Coach Your Customer
1. Space plants 12" apart in well-drained soil in full sun.
2. Water regularly, once or twice per week, or more often in extreme heat and less often in rainy weather.
3. Start spring plants in the ground early enough so they'll finish before the hottest part of summer.
4. Remove the outer two layers of hard, green flesh and eat the tender, white inside raw or cooked. Greens are also edible and can be harvested before the bulb as the plant matures. For long-term storage, chop the bulb and blanch the pieces for one minute before freezing for up to 12 months.
General Growing Tips For Your Seedling Tray
For best results with Kohlrabi Winner F1, plant one rooted liner per 4-inch container or 1801. Use a well-drained soil with a pH of 5.5-7.5, light feed (100-130 ppm N), and temperatures of 60-70 daytime and 40-50 nighttime. Don't pinch or use PGRs. You may see aphids and whiteflies. Watch for fungus and black rot.
Kohlrabi is grown for its edible bulb and foliage. It is a biennial plant that produces a flowering stalk that goes to seed in its second year. However, in the vegetable garden it is typically harvested before it flowers.
This plant doesn't require pinching.
Space containers for adequate airflow and sunlight penetration around the base and foliage of each plant. Proper spacing helps prevent disease and control height.
Height Control
Provide adequate light and proper temperatures, fertilization, and water. These cultural controls will prevent Kohlrabi seedling plugs from stretching tall. We don't recommend using chemical growth regulators on vegetable seedlings.
The main pests that affect Kohlrabi Winner F1 are aphids and whiteflies. You may also see caterpillars and cutworms. We recommend using cultural controls for vegetable and herb crops as part of an Integrated Pest Management plan.
1. Aphids are small, pear-shaped insects that feed on plant sap, spreading diseases and causing leaves to wilt. Use insecticidal soap or neem oil to combat Aphid infestations. Beneficial insects like ladybugs, lacewings, and hoverflies will also help control the Aphid population.
2. Whiteflies are small, white insects that feed on the undersides of the leaves, reducing yields and causing leaves to turn yellow and wilt. Use sticky yellow cards or traps to monitor and combat the Whitefly population. Use insecticidal soap or neem oil as needed.
3. Caterpillars feed on plant foliage, causing significant damage. Handpick and dispose of them or use Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) to kill them.
4. Cutworms are caterpillars that feed on plant stems, causing them to wilt and die. Use cardboard collars to protect the stems or use BT to kill Cutworms.
Kohlrabi is susceptible to a few fungal diseases and Black rot. Practice prevention in your greenhouse with good sanitation, adequate airflow, proper irrigation, and an Integrated Pest Management program.
Clubroot is a soil-borne fungal disease that causes the roots to become swollen and distorted. It can lead to stunted growth and wilting of the plant.
Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that causes white growth on the leaves and stems, leading to yellowed wilting leaves and reduced yields.
Downy mildew is a fungal disease that causes yellow or brown spots on the leaves and can cause the plant to die.
Black rot is a bacterial disease that causes leaves to turn yellow and wilt, spreading rapidly through the plant.
Planting Kohlrabi Winner F1 Liners
We recommend planting one rooted plug per 4-inch container or 1801. Use well-drained soil and center the seedling in the container. Be gentle with the roots and water the seedling plug after transplant.
Rooted Cuttings
Cuttings vary in size between different plant families. These rooted starter plants will arrive ready to be transplanted in to your final container. If they are to be used in a landscape application, you will need to establish them in a 4 inch pot or an 1801 before planting outside.
Kohlrabi Winner F1 Quick Reference Guide
4 Inch crop time
4-5 Weeks
Bloom Period
Fall, Spring
12-18 Inches
Full Sun
Minimum Temp
Water Needs
Patented Plant
Current Availability
Current Availability
02-17-2025 (Week 08)
02-24-2025 (Week 09)
03-03-2025 (Week 10)
03-10-2025 (Week 11)
03-17-2025 (Week 12)
03-24-2025 (Week 13)
03-31-2025 (Week 14)
04-07-2025 (Week 15)
04-14-2025 (Week 16)
04-21-2025 (Week 17)
04-28-2025 (Week 18)
05-05-2025 (Week 19)
05-12-2025 (Week 20)
05-19-2025 (Week 21)
05-26-2025 (Week 22)
06-02-2025 (Week 23)
06-09-2025 (Week 24)
06-16-2025 (Week 25)
06-23-2025 (Week 26)
06-30-2025 (Week 27)
07-07-2025 (Week 28)
07-14-2025 (Week 29)
07-21-2025 (Week 30)
07-28-2025 (Week 31)
08-04-2025 (Week 32)
08-11-2025 (Week 33)
08-18-2025 (Week 34)
08-25-2025 (Week 35)
09-01-2025 (Week 36)
09-08-2025 (Week 37)
09-15-2025 (Week 38)
09-22-2025 (Week 39)
09-29-2025 (Week 40)
10-06-2025 (Week 41)
10-13-2025 (Week 42)
10-20-2025 (Week 43)
10-27-2025 (Week 44)
11-03-2025 (Week 45)
11-10-2025 (Week 46)
Kohlrabi Winner F1 is an annual, cool-weather cruciferous vegetable, part of the turnip family grown for its bulbous stem. This plant flourishes in the greenhouse and garden with careful attention to temperature and irrigation. Winner offers crisp, juicy flesh with a mild, sweet flavor and is fast-growing and versatile. Suitable for fall or spring planting, each plant produces edible greens and a tender, above-ground bulb 4-5" in diameter. Kohlrabi is an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin C raw in salads or steamed, freezes well, and keeps for several weeks in the refrigerator. Offer this unique vegetable with Kohlrabi Winner F1 seedling plugs ready to transplant to your final container.
Kohlrabi Winner F1 Selling Tips
Kohlrabi Winner F1 is the perfect solution for customers searching for a fast-growing and disease-resistant variety of Kohlrabi. With an early maturity time of just 48-55 days, this variety offers excellent vigor, delicious flavor, and great nutritional value. Not only is the bulbous stem of Kohlrabi Winner F1 ideal for both spring and fall crops in the vegetable garden, but its greens are also well-suited for culinary applications. Help your customer make the most of this versatile vegetable with the right growing conditions. This cruciferous bulb thrives in well-drained soil, full sun, and temperatures that don't fall below 0 degrees. Consider planting it alongside companion crops like Celery, Lettuce, Onion, Mint, Sage, and Marigold.
Coach Your Customer
1. Space plants 12" apart in well-drained soil in full sun.
2. Water regularly, once or twice per week, or more often in extreme heat and less often in rainy weather.
3. Start spring plants in the ground early enough so they'll finish before the hottest part of summer.
4. Remove the outer two layers of hard, green flesh and eat the tender, white inside raw or cooked. Greens are also edible and can be harvested before the bulb as the plant matures. For long-term storage, chop the bulb and blanch the pieces for one minute before freezing for up to 12 months.
General Growing Tips For Your Seedling Tray
For best results with Kohlrabi Winner F1, plant one rooted liner per 4-inch container or 1801. Use a well-drained soil with a pH of 5.5-7.5, light feed (100-130 ppm N), and temperatures of 60-70 daytime and 40-50 nighttime. Don't pinch or use PGRs. You may see aphids and whiteflies. Watch for fungus and black rot.
Kohlrabi is grown for its edible bulb and foliage. It is a biennial plant that produces a flowering stalk that goes to seed in its second year. However, in the vegetable garden it is typically harvested before it flowers.
This plant doesn't require pinching.
Space containers for adequate airflow and sunlight penetration around the base and foliage of each plant. Proper spacing helps prevent disease and control height.
Height Control
Provide adequate light and proper temperatures, fertilization, and water. These cultural controls will prevent Kohlrabi seedling plugs from stretching tall. We don't recommend using chemical growth regulators on vegetable seedlings.
The main pests that affect Kohlrabi Winner F1 are aphids and whiteflies. You may also see caterpillars and cutworms. We recommend using cultural controls for vegetable and herb crops as part of an Integrated Pest Management plan.
1. Aphids are small, pear-shaped insects that feed on plant sap, spreading diseases and causing leaves to wilt. Use insecticidal soap or neem oil to combat Aphid infestations. Beneficial insects like ladybugs, lacewings, and hoverflies will also help control the Aphid population.
2. Whiteflies are small, white insects that feed on the undersides of the leaves, reducing yields and causing leaves to turn yellow and wilt. Use sticky yellow cards or traps to monitor and combat the Whitefly population. Use insecticidal soap or neem oil as needed.
3. Caterpillars feed on plant foliage, causing significant damage. Handpick and dispose of them or use Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) to kill them.
4. Cutworms are caterpillars that feed on plant stems, causing them to wilt and die. Use cardboard collars to protect the stems or use BT to kill Cutworms.
Kohlrabi is susceptible to a few fungal diseases and Black rot. Practice prevention in your greenhouse with good sanitation, adequate airflow, proper irrigation, and an Integrated Pest Management program.
Clubroot is a soil-borne fungal disease that causes the roots to become swollen and distorted. It can lead to stunted growth and wilting of the plant.
Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that causes white growth on the leaves and stems, leading to yellowed wilting leaves and reduced yields.
Downy mildew is a fungal disease that causes yellow or brown spots on the leaves and can cause the plant to die.
Black rot is a bacterial disease that causes leaves to turn yellow and wilt, spreading rapidly through the plant.
Planting Kohlrabi Winner F1 Liners
We recommend planting one rooted plug per 4-inch container or 1801. Use well-drained soil and center the seedling in the container. Be gentle with the roots and water the seedling plug after transplant.
Rooted Cuttings
Cuttings vary in size between different plant families. These rooted starter plants will arrive ready to be transplanted in to your final container. If they are to be used in a landscape application, you will need to establish them in a 4 inch pot or an 1801 before planting outside.
Kohlrabi Winner F1 Quick Reference Guide
4 Inch crop time
4-5 Weeks
Bloom Period
Fall, Spring
12-18 Inches
Full Sun
Minimum Temp
Water Needs
Patented Plant
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